Security Solutions – The next generation.

Security has always had a place in our busy lives. We rely on it to keep us safe and maintain control. Today we see cameras, alarm systems and even doorbells that announce an intruder's presence.

Long ago we decided that locks should be installed on every outside door. Not only were locks effective at keeping out unwanted guests, it granted the ability to control access.

Now we can probably look around and realize we live in a society that does tend to have its occasional outbursts of violence but, for the most part we get along well. Its that one time you forgot to lock the door, a camera did not record, or the alarm that worked perfectly after a threat was already inside.

Each generation of security we see an advancement in detection and fortification. Better locks and cheaper cameras. Hired security and 24/7 system monitoring. Higher fences and thicker walls. The internet of things (IOT) is here and growing in popularity. With the low cost of consumer goods, security professionals are going after the next weakest link in the chain. Faster detection and assessment using Artificial Intelligence and looking physically at a buildings known vulnerabilities. These tend to be windows and doors. (not many people are entering though walls.) With detection at 100% effectiveness, time is still the only factor that seems to matter. We have witnessed many tragic events unfold on camera while lacking time to respond to the event. Those precious seconds needed to react can be greatly increased by increasing a buildings resistance to physical attack.

There is usually something useful enough laying around to easily allow immediate entry into most buildings.

Create a clear security plan involving the 3 types of security controls:




All documented processes and countermeasures must be implemented as one or more of these or the controls no not exist for the purpose of security.

The three main types of security:

System or management



No matter what type of security you find beneficial, all of them must be implemented. Often, administrators do not have the luxury to implement all security controls and will choose the weakest link in the chain. This is a logical and reasonable implementation of resource.

Alarm systems and cameras are becoming more mainstream and affordable. The cyber security industry will see an influx of new and unique challenges. Access control reliability and implementation has began to see the negative consequences of more affordable options. Some say, we went too far and trusted our lives to a power source and a screen while sitting by a window.

If you are interested in training material as a security professional, we highly recommend any literature by Lawrence J. Fennelly He has written several books worth reading for any administrator/professional.